Gut Healing Soup (That ACTUALLY Tastes Delicious)

If you're anything like me, you maybe struggle from time to time to find FAST, EASY, NOURISHING recipes that the whole family will enjoy. Personally - I can eat something that doesn't taste that great if I know it has nutritional benefits. My toddler and husband? Not so much.. This recipe, however, was SO fast and easy - and the entire family scarfed it down. 16 month old, AND husband. I will list how to make this recipe step by step, and attach a link to everything I purchased. All you have to do is click the links, and it will bring you right there so that you can check it out for yourself! I mostly followed Dr. Axe's recipe from his book, Bone Broth Breakthrough . I highly recommend this book. He mentions the healing powers of bone broth, TONS of recipes to make, as well as a few nutritional guides and challenges to try out! Definitely worth the money. I cooked this recipe in my Instant Pot . If you don't have one yet - you quite honestly NEED one...