Positively Worth It

"In Christ alone, my hope is found. He is my life, my STRENGTH, my song." 

This blog is going to be completely open and honest, so if you feel the need to think I'm crazy - I probably don't blame you.

Today I was sitting on facebook looking at how many "likes" my page had. While starting a new business has been exciting and empowering and all those great things - I also began to get a little bit caught up in it. 

Not going into great detail, but facebook offers a section for people that have their own page and they call it "insights." In this little insight section - you can literally compare your page with other pages, check out your new "likes" and even **GASP** check out people who have "unliked" your page. Yes. It is a thing. I felt myself little by little getting addicted to these "insights." I would check them a few times throughout the day to see how many people had read my posts and if anyone had "liked" or UNLIKED my page. So as you can imagine - on a good day, my spirits were high, on a "bad" day, where my someone had unliked my page, my day seemed to go down hill and I would focus on the negative. This morning I was looking at my page. I had reached 500 "likes" which was somewhat of a HUGE milestone for me, but instead of focusing on that and being fine with it and moving on with my day, I had to check out what the "insights" had in store for me. Guess what - somewhere in the process for 60 new people "liking" my page in a few short days - 6 people had "unliked" it. 6. SIX. 6. 

It began to consume me. 
Why would someone not like my page? 
Did I say something to offend them? 
Do they not like me? 
What did I do wrong? 
on and on and on. 
Until all of a sudden this quote popped into my head and hit me like a ton of bricks even though I'm sure I've heard it a million times before. 

"What other people think of you is none of your business."

True. So true. 

Fitness is my business. I have amazing clients who lift my spirits and support me each and every day, so why am I worried about 6 people who I may or may not even know and letting them control how I feel? 

I realized that self worth is a big deal. I need to believe in myself and know my self worth with confidence whether my page has 5 likes or 500,000 likes. Whether I am having a great day or a terrible day, I still need to believe in myself. How can I expect others to believe in me and what I have to offer if I sometimes doubt myself? 

I need to be cautious of the way I talk to myself. 

I have a new class starting soon. It's $6/class which is a heck of a deal in my book. But to some, it's too expensive. Drop the price - and some will tell me its too cheap. 

Guess what - there is LITERALLY no way to please everyone. You probably all know this but it's something VERY hard for me to grasp! My personality is to try and please as many people as I can, but guess how far that has gotten me ;). 

Anyways - I would encourage you to take this challenge with me, if you are anything like me. Do not let other people, circumstances, opinions, bring you down. Know your self worth. Wake up, and know how amazing, beautiful, and powerful you are - and carry that with you throughout the day. Arm yourself with it. And when someone tries to take a shot at your self worth - simply smile, let it enter one ear - and exit the other. And move on. Leave it there. Do not think about it the rest of the day. And on days you feel like you're not good enough for yourself, or whoever else, remember that God loves you and is on your side no matter what. And you know what? I'm on your side, too. I don't know who will see this blog and who won't - but if you're reading this right now - know that I believe in you. You are worth more than gold. And you are beautiful. Powerful words. Remember them. 

You are far too lovely to spend your time worrying about people who cannot see your beauty, my dear. 



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