
1 Thessalonians 5:18 "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." You see that?? ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. I strongly believe that there is something positive that comes out of every situation. I mean, really. Stop to think about that for a second. If you asked me about my knee and foot issues right away while they were happening - you probably honestly heard me have a negative tone about it. But now, I am fine with it. Do I wish my body was functioning healthy right now? You bet. But I am also THANKFUL for my injuries, because they have forced me to SLOW DOWN in my life. I feel like I have been sprinting through life the past few months but going nowhere. Every situation that happened - I focused on the negative and not the positive. But for the past week or two - I have had the privilege of finding and renewing myself again. So often in my life I just fly from one thing to the next with m...