Positively Worth It

"In Christ alone, my hope is found. He is my life, my STRENGTH, my song." This blog is going to be completely open and honest, so if you feel the need to think I'm crazy - I probably don't blame you. Today I was sitting on facebook looking at how many "likes" my page had. While starting a new business has been exciting and empowering and all those great things - I also began to get a little bit caught up in it. Not going into great detail, but facebook offers a section for people that have their own page and they call it "insights." In this little insight section - you can literally compare your page with other pages, check out your new "likes" and even **GASP** check out people who have "unliked" your page. Yes. It is a thing. I felt myself little by little getting addicted to these "insights." I would check them a few times throughout the day to see how many people had read my posts and if anyone had ...